maandag 4 januari 2016


Unit 3     A fairer world

Lesson 11   The big picture

Donny's ..1.. some very funny replies to the problem page letters he's ..2.. . He's so much funnier than the rest of us, isn't he?
1 schrijven / schreef (schreven) / geschreven
2 ontvangen
I used to ..3.. he was the biggest ..4.. in the school, do you remember?
3 denken / dacht(en) / gedacht
4 uitslover
How could I ..5.. ? Even now that you two are together, you aren't always that nice to him.
5 vergeten / vergat (vergaten) / vergeten
He's the cleverest guy I ..6.., and the kindest, most ..7.. friend too.
6 kennen / kende(n) / gekend
7 sympathiek
Wow, can I have that ..8.. ? You've ..9.. him a tough time recently.
8 op papier, zwart op wit
9 geven / gaf (gaven) / gegeven
What do you ..10.. ? I just told him we needed some more serious articles for XOL, and I meant it. The world's a mess and it's ..11.. ..12.. . Most people aren't as lucky as we are.
10 bedoelen, menen
11 hier: worden / werd(en) / geworden
12 rommelig
Don't get ..13.. with me, Jess. You know what? I think you've ..14.. ..15.. . I can't understand it. You've just ..16.. you've got a great boyfriend and you know I'm your best friend. But you're more miserable than I've ever seen you. You've ..17.. a lot of .. too. I mean, just look at those ..18.. jeans!
13 hier: serieus
14 worden / werd(en) / geworden
15 depressief
16 zeggen / zei(den) / gezegd
17 afvallen
18 wijd, slobberig
I'm not as ..19.. as you are, so you can't talk.
19 mager
Jess, that's just not true! You're definitely thinner than me.
I've had this ..20.. ..21.. . These are ..22.. 12, so I guess I could ..23.. a size smaller next time. Donny used to say I had a big bum.
20 hier: broek
21 al heel lang
22 maat
23 hier: nemen
Well he can't say that now. Look, let's forget XOL and go out. Maybe get you some new jeans? Would that cheer you up?
I was doing some ..24.. exercises when you arrived. I haven't finished yet.
24 fitness
Josie told me about a ..25.. where you can get the cheapest jeans in town. Hey, that's given me an idea. Maybe Josie could do an article for you about ..26.. in the ..27.. ..28... Her celebrity interviewee has her own jeans ..29.. now. With a star or her ..30.. on the back pocket. You don't know what I' ..31.., do you? Look, let's ring Josie and ask her to join us for lunch. Donny and Spud too, OK?
25 marktkraam
26 ontwerper
27 spijkerstof, denim
28 industrie
29 merk
30 initialen, beginletters
31 het ergens over hebben, iets bedoelen
Well … I was planning to go to the ..32.. ..33.. having lunch but …
32 sportschool
33 in plaats van
That's it! I'm not taking no for an answer. Come on, we can text the others on the way …



Unit 3     A fairer world

Lesson 12   Costing the earth

Hi Josie! We're over here!
Sorry I'm late. Haven't you ordered yet?
No, and I'm ..1.. . We were waiting for you.
1 hier: rammelen van de honger
Can I show you what I've ..2.. first? I wasn't planning to ..3.. any money on the market today but I couldn't ..4.. it. Look! I got these cool aged jeans for £10!
2 kopen / kocht(en) / gekocht
3 uitgeven / gaf (gaven) uit / uitgegeven
4 weerstaan
It's crazy that you can buy jeans that look old already. When my dad was at ..5.. he used to ..6.. in the bath in his new jeans, to make them ..7.. ..8.. and ..9.. softer. He said they didn't feel right at first!
5 universiteit
6 zitten / zat(en) / gezeten
7 passen
8 strak
9 voelen
Some people were ..10.. outside Gap. They were ..11.. these ..12.. .
10 protesteren
11 uitdelen
12 folder, pamflet
What were they protesting about?
..13.. shopping or some ..14.. like that. ..15.. , I don't care where things come from. The cheaper the better.
13 ethisch, moreel juist
14 hier: onzin
15 persoonlijk
They've ..16.. the wrong shop, anyway. Gap used to get their ..17.. from the ..18.. sweatshops in Asia but they don't any more. They believe in fair ..19.. now.
16 (uit)kiezen / koos (kozen) / gekozen
17 hier: spullen, spul
18 vuil
19 handel
Sorry, but have you ..20.. this leaflet? There are still thousands of sweatshops where little children and women work in the most terrible ..21.. .
20 lezen / las (lazen) / gelezen
21 hier: omstandigheden
Yeah but ..22.. they can earn some money that way. That's better than earning nothing at all. I mean, what you were saying could be true, but really Jess …
22 tenminste
The big ..23.. can ..24.. that their ..25.. get fair ..26.., but they don't ..27.. the factories. So they can't ..28.. what ..29.. . And those market stalls are even worse! How can they ..30.. a ..31.. of jeans for £10?
23 winkelketen
24 beweren
25 werker, arbeider
26 loon
27 bezitten
28 controleren, bepalen
29 hier: gebeuren / gebeurde(n) / gebeurd
30 verkopen / verkocht(en) / verkocht
31 paar (een)
No idea but I ..32.. you're going to tell us.
32 verwachten
Well, you've just ..33.. £10 for them, so the ..34.. probably paid £5. Don't you ..35..? That means a woman who probably gets ..36.. than a pound makes them in a dark little room somewhere in India. I'm going to join those people!
33 betalen / betaalde(n) / betaald
34 marktkoopman
35 zien / zag(en) / gezien
36 minder
..37.., Jess, and don't get so angry. We haven't had any lunch yet.
37 gaan zitten
I told you I wasn't hungry. This is more important and I'll get a good story out of it too. You can all come with me.
No way. I want my lunch.
Don't ..38.. us into this, Jess. You're madder than I thought!
38 slepen
Right. Thanks. I'll see you then.
But Jess …



Unit 3     A fairer world

Lesson 13   No sweat?

Jeans are ..1.. , ..2.. and they look good. All the ..3.. designers bring out each ..4.. ..5.. fashions in denim, and we all want them. Denim jeans have changed since Levi Strauss first made them for workers because they were ..6.. and ..7.. longer. They're not just for work any more: we've had skinny, baggy … all ..8.. of jeans. But what is the real ..9.. of your jeans?
At XOL, we believe that fashion workers all over the world should have the same conditions that we have here in Britain. The picture on this page is from Zhongshan, a town at the centre of China's jeans industry. Remember these faces the next time you're looking for cheap deals. Join our campaign for fairer fashion!
1 sexy
2 modieus
3 hier: top-, belangrijkste
4 seizoen
5 laatste, nieuwste
6 hier: sterk
7 hier: meegaan
8 hier: soort, model
9 hier: de kosten
On a dark night in a Chinese town, there are ..10.. of jeans on the factory floor. Thousands of workers sweat through the night to give these jeans the fashionable ..11.. ..12.. .
10 berg, stapel
11 tweedehands
12 uiterlijk
Under bright ..13.. lights in an old factory ..14.., they rub the jeans so that they look older. ..15.. ..16.. ..17.. ..18.. off the denim. This makes a nasty blue ..19.. that goes into the air. The workers are ..20.. to be ready for the morning ..21.. .
13 elektrisch
14 gebouw
15 luid, lawaaierig
16 machine
17 eraf halen / haalde(n) / gehaald
18 laag
19 stof
20 jakkeren
21 het ophalen
Places like Zhongshan have made China the world's biggest producer of jeans. The industry is worth tens of millions of euros every year. Yet the ..22.. comes at a very high price.
22 succesverhaal
The workers earn better wages than in the poor villages where they used to live. But they ..23.. serious injuries, ..24.. eye, back and ..25.. problems. Temperatures on the factory floor go over 40 ºC and the workers ..26.. dangerous ..27.. .
23 riskeren
24 en ook
25 borst(kas)
26 inademen
27 chemicaliën
Dou Yongwen, 22, has made 10,000 jeans ..28.. almost every day for eight years, and his ..29.. has got worse every year. Last week, he made a ..30.. in his finger in a machine accident. 'I hope that, in a few years, I will save enough money to open a button factory,' he says.
28 knoop
29 gezondheid
30 gat
At Chinese New Year, the workers ..31.. to their villages, with things they did not have before – televisions, ..32.. , mobile phones and yes, jeans. But isn't the price too high?
31 teruggaan
32 speelgoed

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