maandag 12 oktober 2015


Deze woorden opzoeken in je TEKSTBOEK. De woorden leren van het Nederlands naar het Engels van Unit 2 lesson 6, 7, 8

Unit 2     Teenage angst

Lesson 6     Worried sick

It's nothing. I'm just a bit miserable.
A bit miserable? You've been like a ..1.. with a sore head since the ..2.. of the year. Hey! That ..3.. me of a joke - a horse goes into a ..4.. and orders a ..5... The ..6.. says: Sure, but why the long face!
1 beer
2 begin
3 doen denken aan
4 café, kroeg
5 drankje
6 barkeeper
Look, Donny, don't try to be funny. You can ..7.. your problems, but I can't.
7 weglachen
You should talk to somebody. ..8.. your ..9.. . I'm your boyfriend, you could try me.
8 delen
9 zorgen
One thing that's ..10.. me is the journal. It may not be possible to publish Xpress Online this year. We must ..11.. more people.
10 depressief maken
11 betrekken bij
Hi there, you two. You look ..12.. , Jess. Are you OK?
12 bleek
I'm fine. I just ..13.. bed on the wrong side this morning!
13 eruit komen
Hey Amy, guess what? We've decided that we should start a problem page in XOL.
When did we decide that? I'm the one who's got a problem. Don't ask me to listen to other people's problems.
Yes, but I'm ..14.. who can listen and ..15... I'll be a great advice ..16.. .
14 degene
15 begrip tonen
16 columnist, rubriekschrijver
In England, we call that an ..17.. – or we might call you an agony uncle!
17 vrouw die lezersvragen beantwoordt
Advice, ..18.., counselling, I'm your man!
18 medeleven
I'm not sure. Most people go to their friends with their problems. But listen, speaking of problems. Has anybody seen my ..19.. ..20..? I've ..21.. it, and for once there was a lot of ..22.. in it.
19 leer
20 portemonnee
21 verliezen / verloor (verloren) / verloren, kwijt raken
22 contant geld
You shouldn't bring money into school, you know.
Well you see, I've ordered a new ..23.. that I have to pay for.
23 racket
You're not the only person who has lost money or ..24.. recently. Cat ..25.. her mobile in her bag and it ..26.. . She still hasn't found it.
24 waardevolle spullen
25 hier: (achter)laten / liet(en) / gelaten
26 verdwijnen
Where did you ..27.. have your wallet?
27 hier: voor het laatst
I had it in the ..28.. of my tracksuit ..29.. , but I've just looked in the ..30.. and I couldn't find it anywhere. You were in the gym at ..31.. , Jess. Did you notice anybody strange?
28 zak
29 broek
30 kleedkamer
31 tussen de middag, etenstijd
No, I must say, I didn't see anything suspicious. One of the ..32.. was there. Oh and a group of ..33.. and the ..34.. team.
32 schoonmaker
33 vijfde klas van de middelbare school
34 badminton
In other words, there were loads of people there. Now here's something we should get worried about – a ..35.. in the school. Don't just think about your ..36.. problems, Jess …
35 dief
36 persoonlijk

Unit 2     Teenage angst

Lesson 7     Money talks

Hey, Spud, any news of Mikey?
Yes, I've seen him ..1.. times. I went to see him with Darren ..2.. . He was ..3.. up and down the corridor on crutches. He complained he ..4.. .
1 een paar
2 onlangs, kort geleden
3 rennen, vliegen
4 zich vervelen
Well that's a good ..5.. .
5 hier: teken
Yeah, he'll be OK. Darren took him some DVDs and lots of new games. It was really ..6.. of him. He must be rich. I can ..7.. ..8.. to pay my mobile phone ..9.. .
6 gul, royaal
7 nauwelijks
8 zich permitteren
9 rekening
Tell me about it! I was on a ..10.. , which I couldn't afford. So now I'm on a pay-as-you-go ..11.. . And I suppose you heard about the theft yesterday?
10 hier: abonnement
11 overeenkomst
Oh, was it your money that disappeared from the classroom?
No, it wasn't. I was here in the gym when I lost mine.
Somebody stole even more last week. And then there was an ..12.. which cost over £80 … oh, hi Darren.
12 mp3-speler
Hello there. Have you found your wallet yet, Amy?
No, I've come to look in the ..13.. again.
13 kluisje
So where have you looked so far? We can help you if you like. Nobody's going to see us in the girls' changing room
Oh, thanks ... well I looked under all the ..14.. . Don't look in the ..15.. box. It's just full of socks and old ..16.. . I ..17.. it ..18.. yesterday.
14 bank
15 gevonden voorwerpen
16 hier: sportschoenen
17 draaien, omkeren
18 ondersteboven
What did the wallet look like?
Nothing special, soft black leather. It had my bus pass in it, and my ..19.. and the money.
19 telefoonkaart
Did you ..20.. it to the office?
20 melden, aangeven
Of course I did. And I put a ..21.. up on the board.
21 mededeling, briefje
Have you checked behind the ..22.. ..23..? Because things can …
22 centrale verwarming
23 hier: buis
No, but …
… ..24.. down … hey, here it is! One small black wallet! Hang on, I think I can ..25.. it. It's a bit ..26.. but … is this it?
24 vallen / viel(en) / gevallen
25 erbij kunnen, bereiken
26 stoffig
Wow, that's amazing, thanks Darren … you should be a ..27.. … oh no! The money's ..28.. !
27 detective
28 weg, zoek
Yeah, amazing Darren. I ..29.. , you went ..30.. to it!
29 bedoelen / bedoelde(n) / bedoeld
30 recht(streeks)
What are you saying? You don't think I stole her money!?
No, wait! Spud, you mustn't say things like …
If that's all the ..31.. I get, I'm off!
31 dank
Don't go, Darren! Oh dear. Now what should I do?



Unit 2     Teenage angst

Lesson 8     A problem shared

X-citing news! XOL has just started a new problem page.
Your agony uncle will answer all your problem letters! He is a teenager, like you, so he ..1.. the things that ..2.. you.
1 begrijpen / begreep (begrepen) / begrepen
2 hier: dwarszitten
I am a 15-year-old pupil who has just started her exam year. My mum often says that I must work harder, or I'll ..3.. ..4.. tables in McDonald's or at the ..5.. in Tesco's. I have tried to tell them that I'm ..6.. , but my mum's answer was: 'If you think you're stressed, you don't know the meaning of the word.'
3 eindigen
4 afnemen, schoon wrijven
5 kassa
6 gestrest
Not a happy camper
I totally understand. Why not phone a friend and have a long rant about your parents? It might not ..7.. much but it will ..8.. and it might make you feel better.
7 veranderen
8 je hart luchten over iets
Please help me. My girlfriend only wants me for my ..9.. . We were getting on fine as long as I could take her ..10.. . Last month I had a crash and now the bike's off the road. I can't afford to ..11.. it. ..12.. she doesn't want to ..13.. with me any more. What should I do?
9 scooter
10 overal
11 (laten) repareren
12 plotseling
13 uitgaan
14 motorrijder, fietser
If you're who I think you are, you'll need a Ferrari to get yourself a girlfriend! But ..15.. , you must ..16.. that one. And I don't mean the scooter!
15 serieus
16 hier: wegdoen, lozen
I've got a friend – I'll call him X – who is in trouble. I don't want to be nasty but there is a thief at our school and I think it's him. His dad ..17.. work in a ..18.. , which has ..19.. . So now the family's poor, but X has got lots of money. I don't know where he's getting it. I don't want to ..20.. him. I can't believe he's really doing this. What should I do?
17 (werkte) vroeger
18 fabriek
19 dichtgaan
20 beschuldigen
21 anoniem
Difficult. You mustn't accuse him without ..22.. . If you're sure, you should talk to X. Can you persuade him to give the things he stole back to their ..23.. ? And say he'll never to do it again? It may be embarrassing but don't worry. ..24.. he'll ..25.. you. You ..26.. .
22 bewijs
23 eigenaar
24 uiteindelijk
25 bedanken
26 hopen
Hi there! I haven't actually got a problem, just something which is annoying. I'm sixteen and I know I'm ..27.. . At the moment, I'm not in a ..28.. but that's fine – lots of time for that! But it really depresses me when other kids use the word 'gay' as an insult, when they really mean stupid or uncool. Don't they know anything?
27 homoseksueel, vrolijk
28 relatie
Short answer, no. But you mustn't let them worry you. Hey, I'm a black guy who gets insults too. Don't listen to them. Gay's OK, I say!

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