maandag 14 september 2015


Deze woorden opzoeken in je TEKSTBOEK. De woorden leren van het Nederlands naar het Engels van Unit 1 lesson 1, 2, 3
Unit 1     Accident!

Lesson 1     Bad news

Hello Amy. You OK?
Oh hi, Jess. Fine thanks. Have you just had a ..1.. ?
1 douche
No, I had an early ..2.. .
2 gaan zwemmen
What? You swam, before school? What time did you ..3.. ?
3 opstaan / stond(en) op / opgestaan
I don't have to get up earlier! I don't eat breakfast, that's all. I'm usually in the ..4.. before eight. It's very refreshing – it ..5.. you .. .
4 zwembad
5 wakker maken / maakte(n) / gemaakt
I'm ..6.. . It's not like you to go without a meal!
6 onder de indruk
Well you see, I need much more ..7.. . See you at ..8.. , OK?
7 hier: lichaamsbeweging
8 pauze
Yeah, bye! Hey, Josie, what's the matter?
It's ..9.. !
9 ongelofelijk
What is? You're as white as a ..10.. . Stop trembling and tell me what's wrong.
10 laken
I just got this text from a friend who knows his sister Sharon. It's a real ..11.. ! I hope he's going to be all right.
11 schok
Who? Your friend?
Not just mine – ours!
Josie, I don't know who or what you're talking about! What is it?
It's Mikey. He had a really bad road accident yesterday! He was on his bike and a car came round the corner too fast, skidded and ..12.. him.
12 hier: raken / raakte(n) / geraakt
Oh no! That's awful!
What's up with you two? What's she crying about?
Shut up, Darren. Mikey was in a ..13.. yesterday.
13 botsing
Mike? What happened?
Don't ask me!
He's ..14.. . A car ..15.. him off his bike.
14 gewond
15 stoten
Wow, that is bad news!
Yeah! Was there much ..16.. to the bike? That ..17.. was new and really expensive.
16 schade, letsel
17 mountainbike
Never mind the stupid bike! What about poor Mikey? Didn't your friend ask Sharon about his ..18.. ?
18 verwonding
Look, I'm only ..19.. what she told me. They took him to hospital ..20.. , but she didn't have much more information than that. I didn't get many ..21.. .
19 herhalen
20 meteen
21 detail
What a ..22.. . When did this happen? And where? Did that friend tell you?
22 nachtmerrie
I think it happened on the Grindleford road, late last night. That's all I know.
That's a dangerous stretch of road.
But how is he now? I mean, did he ..23.. any ..24.. ? Is he ..25.. ?
23 breken / brak(en) / gebroken
24 bot
25 bij bewustzijn
I don't know. I don't even know if he's going to ..26.. or ..27.. .
26 leven
27 sterven, doodgaan

Unit 1     Accident!

Lesson 2     Road hog

An accident in the quiet village of Grindleford ..1.. the ..2.. and pupils of Westgate College this week. Thirteen-year-old Michael Wilson, who is in Year 9 of the local ..3.. , is still in hospital in Tolchester.
1 laten schrikken, schokken
2 personeel
3 middelbare school
The accident happened between Grindleford and Tolchester late last Sunday. The teenager was on his bike in heavy rain when a car hit him. He was on a road with no ..4.. , no ..5.. and no ..6.. .
4 straatverlichting
5 stoep
6 fietspad
Police think that the ..7.. , Jez Hallam, 18, ..8.. round the corner where the accident happened at over 40 miles per hour. It is possible that he skidded on the wet road, and that his car hit Michael's mountain bike, then drove into the wall. Mr Hallam was not ..9.. . He called for an ..10.. , which took Michael to the ..11.. of the Tolchester ..12.. Infirmary. A hospital ..13.. told this newspaper that the teenager has got a ..14.. leg, as well as back and head injuries. He is now conscious again, but only his parents are allowed to see him. Michael's other relatives and his school friends have to wait until he is on a ..15.. ..16.. before ..17.. .
7 automobilist
8 rijden, besturen / reed (reden) / gereden
9 hier: gewond
10 ambulance, ziekenwagen
11 spoedeisende hulp
12 koninklijk
13 woordvoerder
14 gebroken
15 algemeen, gewoon
16 afdeling
17 (het) bezoeken
The road was empty ..18.. , but ..19.. saw Mr Hallam driving too fast as he left Tolchester's most popular ..20.. , The Ring of Bells. The police arrived with the ambulance, and an ..21.. gave Mr Hallam a breath test. This showed that the driver was ..22.. and was driving ..23.. .
18 toen
19 getuige
20 café
21 hier: politieagent
22 dronken
23 illegaal
The Wilson family and their friends are still in shock ..24.. they wait for news of Michael's ..25.. . The editor of this newspaper has started a campaign for safer ..26.. . ..27.. complain that there are not many cycle lanes and there is not much lighting on our ..28.. . Also, there are too many young drivers who think they can drive after ..29.. alcohol. The people of Tolchester have to decide what we can do to make our cycling safer.
24 terwijl
25 toestand
26 (het) fietsen
27 fietser
28 landweg
29 (het) drinken



Unit 1     Accident!

Lesson 3     Early days

..1.. , are you a ..2.. ? Could you tell me the way to Spicer Ward please?
1 neem me niet kwalijk, pardon
2 dokter
You have to take the lift to ..3.. E, then follow the signs.
3 verdieping, etage
Thank you. Oh, sorry, er, do you know where the lift is?
Yes, of course, it's just ..4.. that ..5.. on the right.
4 verderop in
5 gang
Thanks very much. Floor E, did he say?
Yes, this is it. You have to ..6.. your hands with this ..7.. first. Here, take some for yours. It stops people bringing in their germs.
6 hier: inwrijven
7 spul
Hello, can I help you? I'm a ..8.. on this ward.
8 verpleger (verpleegster)
Oh hello. Can we visit our friend Mike Wilson please?
Ah yes. See the third bed on the left? That's his. He's doing fine, you don't have to look so ..9.. !
9 bezorgd, ongerust
There he is! Mikey! How are you?
Spud, great to see you. Ouch, don't ..10.. me, Josie, I've got so many bruises!
10 knuffelen
Wow, and that's a huge ..11.. on your leg! I could ..12.. a ..13.. on it for you if you like.
11 gips(verband)
12 tekenen / tekende(n) / getekend
13 cartoon, spotprent
Sure, why not? So did you bring me anything nice?
I thought you probably had too much chocolate, so I brought you some apples. Ah no, this magazine is mine, but these are yours …
What's this ..14.. ..15..? Huh, thanks a lot!
14 mountainbiken
15 tijdschriften
So how are you, anyway?
Not so bad. I'm one of the ..16.. . I met a guy called Tom who ..17.. seriously … ..18.. . He had a ..19.. on his ..20.. . He'll probably walk again but it'll take a lot of ..21.. .
16 geluksvogel
17 ergens mee bezig zijn / was (waren) / geweest
18 extreme sporten
19 hier: ongeluk
20 crossfiets
21 fysiotherapie
And what about you, Mikey? Your mum told me about your ..22.. .
22 röntgenfoto
Well, my ..23..'s quite ..24.. . Everyone's been very kind, but it is scary. I'll probably have to be in a ..25.. for a ..26.. , but they don't really know yet. Oh, don't start, Josie, it doesn't help.
23 behandelend arts
24 optimistisch
25 rolstoel
26 een poosje
Sorry, Mikey, it's just that I hate seeing you like this. You even sound different!
Hey, we have to stay ..27.., Josie. We came here to ..28.. him , remember? And here are some nice new pens. I'll start my drawing near your ..29.. and ..30.. .
27 positief
28 opbeuren, opvrolijken
29 teen
30 omhoogwerken

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